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Message started by wozzy on Jan 12th, 2020, 8:38pm

Title: Chrome pipe
Post by wozzy on Jan 12th, 2020, 8:38pm


Plumbing in a towel rail I have bent the chrome pipe all ok but what is the best way of connecting? Internet seems to suggest a couple of ways but which is best? And if you do have to get it down to copper what’s the beat way of doing that scotchbrite doesn’t seem to touch it.


Title: Re: Chrome pipe
Post by thescruff on Jan 12th, 2020, 9:52pm

Compression fittings in chrome. you will need a flat file to rough the chrome up or emery cloth I would also use a jointing compound or a couple of wraps of ptfe tape over the olive.

Title: Re: Chrome pipe
Post by wozzy on Jan 12th, 2020, 11:04pm

The joins will be under the floor so I take it normal brass compression fittings are ok? So you just have to rough it up rather than clean the chrome off?
I have jetlube.

Title: Re: Chrome pipe
Post by thescruff on Jan 13th, 2020, 12:48am

Yes, brass is fine although I wouldn't be using chrome under the floor, and I would hydraulically pressure test everything under the floor or out of sight.

Title: Re: Chrome pipe
Post by wozzy on Jan 18th, 2020, 9:47am

I’m planning on chopping the copper as it turns up to go through the floor and put the elbow there so then a bit of chrome goes straight up (well it’s got a set in it I have bent) and into the radiator. I’m going through the ceiling below so can leave the plasterboard down for a few days to check for leaks

Title: Re: Chrome pipe
Post by thescruff on Jan 18th, 2020, 10:05am

Sounds like you have it all in hand,

Title: Re: Chrome pipe
Post by wozzy on Jan 18th, 2020, 2:05pm

Now I have cut the holes the mrs is none too thrilled with the holes

Title: Re: Chrome pipe
Post by thescruff on Jan 18th, 2020, 9:45pm

You can buy floor plates to clip over the pipe to hide the hole

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