woodsmith wrote on Jan 7th, 2021, 12:59am:Is the house late 60s early 70s? That’s when there was a copper shortage and aluminium was sometimes used. I worked for BT at the time and we used aluminium for a while, it was rubbish and we soon went back to copper.
1930. Originally didn't have electricity when it was built. Some of the old lead gas pipe for the lighting is still in place downstairs (i must get that pulled out and weighed in!)
It was originally wired with the multi-stranded cable, so I knownits not the original installationg. There are at least 2 bits of major work that I know of since, easily identified by the workmanship. The extension was built and some rewiring done downstairs by my late father-in-law. All of this is very neatly laid out, every cable identified as to what it does and where it runs to. Then there's the upstairs lighting which mostly looks like its the same cable as that pictured. I don't known when that was done though. The words "rats nest" spring to mind 😬