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Message started by xangodango on May 22nd, 2008, 10:49am

Title: Central heating pipework - figure of 8 ok?
Post by xangodango on May 22nd, 2008, 10:49am


I've been mapping out my central heating pipework and it seems very strange to me that there seem to be 2 loops, like a figure of 8, with the boiler and upstairs radiators on one loop, the pump where the two loops join, and the downstairs radiators on the other loop.

Wish I could show you a diagram, but I'll try and explain - starting from the pump, the loop goes like this:

From the pump, the pipe Split into (1) and (2)
(1) Goes to the 5 upstairs radiators, then the boiler.
(2) Goes to the thermostat then splits into (2a) and (2b)
(2a) goes to 3 of the downstairs radiators
(2b) which goes to the other 4 downstairs radiators.
Branches (2a) and (2b) join back up to form (2). ->
Branches (1) and (2) join back up and go back to the pump.

So surely if the pump is pumping, it will draw water through 2 seperate loops - one with the boiler and upstairs radiators, and one with the downstairs radiators only, like a fugure of 8, with the two loops meeting at the pump. Or am I just confused??

Help appreciated.

(Im assuming of course that my assumptions of flow direction are correct but either way, thats the geometry of it - I have a basement so I can see almost every bit of pipework)


Title: Re: Central heating pipework - figure of 8 ok?
Post by thescruff on May 22nd, 2008, 3:28pm

This must be the most confusing post ever  ::)

So far it sounds like an standard either one or two pipe system.

Title: Re: Central heating pipework - figure of 8 ok?
Post by xangodango on May 22nd, 2008, 4:16pm

Not a very useful reply! I agree its confusing, any suggestions on how to make it less so? Ideally I would show you the diagram I have in front of me but I cant so Im stuck with text.

Its definitely not a standard one pipe system. This bit sums it up..
There seem to be 2 loops, like a figure of 8, with the boiler and upstairs radiators on one loop, the pump where the two loops join, and the downstairs radiators on the other loop.
Just ignore the rest if that makes it simpler..


Title: Re: Central heating pipework - figure of 8 ok?
Post by thescruff on May 22nd, 2008, 6:32pm

I've sent you a PM

Title: Re: Central heating pipework - figure of 8 ok?
Post by greg on May 23rd, 2008, 7:36am

Can you take a digital picture of your diagram and post it up

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