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Message started by Natedog on Jun 30th, 2014, 6:03pm

Title: is this possible?
Post by Natedog on Jun 30th, 2014, 6:03pm

In our bathroom, we've got half a dozen recessed halogen lights in the ceiling, all operated from a single pull switch.  Would it be possible to also have a pir sensor in the ceiling that just switches on one of them?

I realise it's a weird one, and I think the answer is probably "no"

I had a pir fitted to the landing lights a few years ago to stop the kids automatically turning the light on (but never off) every time they walked past.  

This time it's for the cat's benefit!  Trying to get her to use a litter tray in the bathroom, as its a bit nicer than having it anywhere else in the house.  She uses it fine during the day, but at night she won't go in the bathroom unless the light is on (particularly weird as our bathroom hasn't got a window, so it's still dark in there during the day). Wanting to only switch one light in the bathroom to cut down on the power use.

Title: Re: is this possible?
Post by Lectrician on Jul 1st, 2014, 6:35am


Two ways.

Easy way - Seperate the lights, and have the PIR just control one.  Then, the remainder would be on a pull switch or wall's the "clever" bit.  Use a DP switch (pull or wall).  Use one pole to switch the group of lights, and the other pole to switch the single spot (parallel with the PIR switching contacts).

If using a wall switch, use a grid switch, as DP switches are not nice as light switches.

If you have a fancy wall switch, or a touch switch etc, you would use option 2 - A relay controlled by your switch, and the relay contacts wired as the DP switch above.

Title: Re: is this possible?
Post by CWatters on Jul 1st, 2014, 6:57pm

How about switching them to LED bulbs while you are at it. 50W becomes 5W. Look for bulbs that produce >400 Lumens. You probably won't find them in the DIY sheds but lots on ebay or Amazon.

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