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Public Forum >> Humour >> Luck - it's all relative ...

Message started by rgirling on Oct 25th, 2019, 3:04pm

Title: Luck - it's all relative ...
Post by rgirling on Oct 25th, 2019, 3:04pm

Man goes to his doctor, who remarks how bad he looks. He takes samples, blood, etc. and makes him an appointment for the following week.

On returning for the follow-up appointment, the Doc says "I wish you'd come to me sooner - the test results show that you have got an extremely rare disease, currently with only nine other similar cases worldwide. It's so rare, they haven't given it a name yet, referring to it only as '59692' until they know more about it. There's no cure known and it seems - from the little we do know about it - you've got about 3 to 4 weeks left."

The man, naturally distraught, returns to his home, where he lives with his elderly Mum. She notices his sadness, asks what's wrong and he tells her.

"Well," Mum says, "when I was down in the dumps, you took me to the Bingo and it cheered us right up - let's go!" They set off for the Bingo, where both of them buy several books of tickets.

The first game is "four corners" and the man wins that. Next is diagonal line, left upper to lower right - he wins that too. "Bottom, top and middle" is next - which he also wins, then "Full House" - winning again. Now, the National game, with a substantial jackpot. Once again, the man wins and goes to the stage to collect his prize voucher. The caller says that he's never seen such a lucky player in his life, to which the man replies: "Lucky? Listen mate, I've got 59692."

"F*** me," says the caller, "you've only won the raffle as well!"

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