Wondering if anyone can advise me, we had just redecorated our front room, plastered and painted and then we discovered a water mArk in the corner of the room, it's started about half way down and kind of grew downwards and outwards (pictures attached)
We had a roofer come out who said it was not a leak from the roof.
Damp specialist who said it was not damp.
A plumber who said it was not a plumbing leak.
We then had a building surveyor sent out by our insurance company who said that with all the rain we had, the bricks of the house has soaked it all up and there was nothing we could do, but wait for it to dry, put stain block on it and repaint.
Since then it has continued to grow and is now under the bay window although it hasn't hardly rained??
Can anybody advise if that is normal or who else we should get to come and look at it?