Hi there.

We bought a house 11 months ago from the council that was in much need of repair but we were told the plumbing and such were in great condition as it was council owned.
I am not sure the estate agents were being 100% truthful (shocker!!) as we have found that when the taps are running downstairs they completely stop upstairs, both hot and cold, as does the electric shower. If the outside tap is turned on all the taps in the house stop running. If the washing machine is running and water is being fed through the same problem happens and the taps loose pressure and stop completely.
Otherwise the water pressure is pretty good, the hot water heats up pretty fast and so do the radiators.
Does anyone know what the cause may be and is it possible to fix? We haven't put down flooring in the hallway and we are planning on having the bathroom redone very soon so is this a problem that might be fixed before doing this for easy access to pipes and whatnot? There is no evidence of any leaks and the pipes seems to be in a reasonable condition from what I can see.
Thank you