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6ft Garden Wall (Read 4931 times)
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6ft Garden Wall
Apr 15th, 2014, 4:47pm
Hi All,

I'm looking at building a two section 6ft garden wall that will have a timber gate mounted in the middle.

The first section will extend away from my property at a right angle and measure approx 1.5 metres long and then a second section after this, that will measure approx 1 metre long.

I intend to mount a 1 metre wide timber gate between these two walled sections and then continue regular paneled fencing with concrete posts from the far end wall onwards. (Hope that makes sense so far?).

As advised, the one end of the wall will start from the wall of my property and the other end will be self supporting.

This is all well within my boundary, so there will not be any border issues and will follow the line of current fencing that has already been there for numerous years. According to planning literature I have read, it does not require planning permission either, so unless someone knows differently, I am basically after technical advice before I lay any bricks.

So my questions are:

1. The wall will start from my property, so am I Ok to tie this into my property wall by use of a Stainless Steel Wall Starter or should it not touch my property at all? And if it is Ok to tie in, should I use sealant to fill the gap afterwards, or am I Ok to cement up to the property wall too?

2. Will I need to lay damp proof membrane between the lower brick layers?

3. Will I need to build a pillar at the start and end of each wall section or depending on the answer to Q1, will that end not need a pillar?

4. I intend to create foundations of 16" deep and 18" wide. Will this be suitable? (The ground is made up of soil and clay).

5. I intend to build the wall with two lines of 65mm facing bricks. Can I use these bricks for the entire wall, or should I start the bottom layers off with a different type and also cap off with a different brick?

6. Any other advice or recommendations would be very much appreciated.

Thanks All.

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Timba-Wolf..... Var@*sh,
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KENT,(under a tree!!!!), United Kingdom
KENT,(under a tree!!!!)
United Kingdom

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Trade: Joiner

Re: 6ft Garden Wall
Reply #1 - Apr 17th, 2014, 10:52pm
Hi All,

I'm looking at building a two section 6ft garden wall that will have a timber gate mounted in the middle.

The first section will extend away from my property at a right angle and measure approx 1.5 metres long and then a second section after this, that will measure approx 1 metre long.

I intend to mount a 1 metre wide timber gate between these two walled sections and then continue regular paneled fencing with concrete posts from the far end wall onwards. (Hope that makes sense so far?).

As advised, the one end of the wall will start from the wall of my property and the other end will be self supporting.

This is all well within my boundary, so there will not be any border issues and will follow the line of current fencing that has already been there for numerous years. According to planning literature I have read, it does not require planning permission either, so unless someone knows differently, I am basically after technical advice before I lay any bricks.

So my questions are:

1. The wall will start from my property, so am I Ok to tie this into my property wall by use of a Stainless Steel Wall Starter or should it not touch my property at all? And if it is Ok to tie in, should I use sealant to fill the gap afterwards, or am I Ok to cement up to the property wall too?Wall starter is fine, and mortar or a frame sealant, it's totally down to you!

2. Will I need to lay damp proof membrane between the lower brick layers?No..you are not trying to make things water proof!!

3. Will I need to build a pillar at the start and end of each wall section or depending on the answer to Q1, will that end not need a pillar? it should go, wall starter, to pier, gate, pier, then pier!

4. I intend to create foundations of 16" deep and 18" wide. Will this be suitable? (The ground is made up of soil and clay).should be ok, just remember to use a continual strip, and not just a foundation under each section

5. I intend to build the wall with two lines of 65mm facing bricks. Can I use these bricks for the entire wall, or should I start the bottom layers off with a different type and also cap off with a different brick?yes you can use the same brick all the way through, providing it is of a good hardy type, not say a soft red or yellow.. a good hard baked brick is best, but most importantly, how are you going to tie in both skins of brickwork, by tying them together by "BOND PATTERN" or by butterfly wall ties?? as they MUST be restrained together

6. Any other advice or recommendations would be very much appreciated.a decent sand , and a good gauge of mortar is required,NO 6:1 ratio's ..too weak...

Thanks All.

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Re: 6ft Garden Wall
Reply #2 - Apr 22nd, 2014, 4:23pm
Hi Timba-Wolf!

Many MANY thanks for your responses, it certainly clears a lot of things up!

Q2. My question regarding the installation of a DPM, was concerns over possible damp or water penetration through the 6ft brick wall rising above the DPM line of my property wall and causing any issues there, especially now that you've confirmed there would not be an issue of connecting the wall to my property, all be it via a wall starter and then cementing the gap in afterwards.

Q4. Yes I will be using a continuous foundation stretch, which will now more than likely end up being approx 2ft wide by x 16" deep.

Q5. Yes I will be sure to double check and question the brick make up thanks and as for connecting both skins together, I will be using butterfly ties.

Q6. Thanks for the sand quality and ratio advise.

Many thanks again.

Cheers!  Shocked)
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Timba-Wolf..... Var@*sh,
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KENT,(under a tree!!!!), United Kingdom
KENT,(under a tree!!!!)
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Trade: Joiner

Re: 6ft Garden Wall
Reply #3 - Apr 23rd, 2014, 10:17pm
For the amount of area bridging the DPC, I personally would not be too worried, but if it nags or niggles, you could put a section of DPM up the wall behind the wall starter plate to a max of 900mm, and use a framing mastic to "point" in the wall both sides of the connection of the wall...

but it MUST be a mastic/non hardening sealant, as apposed to a silicone...

hope this helps
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Re: 6ft Garden Wall
Reply #4 - Apr 29th, 2014, 2:43pm
It does indeed help and many thanks.

I know it will nag and niggle because I'm a firm believer of - if you can't do the job properly...

I'd therefore like to make sure that I'd covered all bases and didn't cut any corners.

Many thanks again, you've been a fantastic help!   Smiley
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Timba-Wolf..... Var@*sh,
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KENT,(under a tree!!!!), United Kingdom
KENT,(under a tree!!!!)
United Kingdom

Gender: male

Trade: Joiner

Re: 6ft Garden Wall
Reply #5 - Apr 29th, 2014, 5:10pm
It does indeed help and many thanks.

I know it will nag and niggle because I'm a firm believer of - if you can't do the job properly...AHH! My very own thoughts....

I'd therefore like to make sure that I'd covered all bases and didn't cut any corners.not with out a bolster at least...LOL!

Many thanks again, you've been a fantastic help!   Smileya pleasure...

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