Hi all,
Some while ago (many moons!) I posted a question asking what the device with the black end was? Having moved into the house and not seen such a device before.
I was told it was a pressure regulating valve.
We are about to have a new kitchen fitted and the under sink plumbing all needs to be altered to allow different sized base cabinets to be installed. The mains incoming stopcock tap handle and body needs to be turned from its right facing position to the left to allow it and the rising main to just fit inside the carcass of a new cabinet. But the pressure valve poses a problem in that if left as is, the black end would be in-between two cabinet sides - not ideal.
My question is ... The pressure valve has two cold water outputs currently, one to the left and one in the top.
Are both outlets controlled by the valve or is only the left hand one controlled? as that feeds the rest of the house. Currently the top (upward) feed just feeds an outside garden tap and a filter cold drinking water tap.
I would like to turn the valve through 90 degrees so as its input is then on the right and feed it from a 90 degree elbow and 22mm pipe fitted to the top of the stopcock, thereby moving it well into the new cabinet. Then take the main house cold feed from what is currently the top connection, blanking off the then unused outlet. Meaning the valves black body would then be upward and the unused outlet downwards facing and blanked off. Alterations to all other pipework is reasonably straightforward.
Can anyone see a problem with the valve being turned and are both outlets pressure controlled??